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1% Everyday

Karthika Murugesan
4 min readFeb 5, 2022


I always wanted to make reading a part of my life. I would start reading a book enthusiastically for a few days. Would get bored after a couple of days or something else would come up. I would stop. This has happened several times in the past. There are only about few books which I have read in my entire life time. Not counting the academic stuff of course. In 2021 I decided I will read one book a month and finish at least 12 books in a year. I didn't finish a single one. I had decided that this is not me. I am never going to be able to make reading a habit in my life.

My husband was no different. He cannot sit in a single place and read books. He used to read fiction in his college days but not anymore. All of a sudden out of no where he installed Audible app in his phone and listed to his first book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Surprisingly, he finished listening the book. He was so charged by this book, he continued to listen more books. He pushed me to listen to this book. I was not interested in the beginning. I kept saying OK, later and had no intention of listening to this. To my biggest surprise, he listened to this same book for the second time. That made me curious. This guy who hates non fiction, who doesn’t like to take advice from anyone is listening to a self help book on habits for second time.

So as you must have guessed already, I listened to this book.

I am not sure if its the voice of the narrator or the first chapter about the early days of author, something says this guy knows what he is talking about.

He explains Four Laws to build better habits. I was surprised by the fact that I know these four things separately, but never connected them together to use it build a habit or remove a bad one. I have personally used some of the things which he explains in his book in my life. When I heard the book, it was all clear that I was going in the right path. The author describes how a tiny 1% change towards betterment has big impact in your life. I decide I want to look a certain way or I have to learn certain skills, but am I really ready to take the effort to reach that point? If not, then don’t bother. I liked the idea of me being someone who reads, but I was not ready to take the effort to spend time on reading. I liked the idea of me being a person who can drive cars and ride bike, but I was not ready to take the effort to go out and practise on road. I don’t have to make big changes on day one. I need to start with my 1%.

So now I know that I don't have time to read book everyday amidst by crazy work timing. I don’t have to pressurise myself with a goal that is not benefitting me in anyway. So I made a 1% change in a direction that suits me. I listen to books when I prepare dinner. This is my time when I am in my zone and no one disturbs me.

I realised I have used some of the concepts in this book here and there in my life in the past too. I tried to make exercise a part of my life. On days when I was really not in a mood to workout, I would just do it for ten minutes or choose a workout that is very easy. This is probably one of the things that helped me not to break this habit. Since 2019, I have made exercise a part of my daily routine. I went into the bad side of social media and would scroll through the feeds for hours together. When I realised what is happening, I set time limit on all these apps. The password to extend that time is with my husband and I don’t ask him to extend anymore. Everybody has one or another thing which we know we want to stop or start doing, but we cant.

I recommend this book to anyone who keeps struggling to make a positive change in their life and either failed or not sure where to begin. Make your 1% move and let it compound in your life.



Karthika Murugesan

Women In Tech, Beginner in Writing, Enthusiastic to share my take on things as I explore them